Lore of Unaware Asunder

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During the summer of 2051, a bizarre event, which was later dubbed "The Scattering", has occured. With it, the Earth was torn apart into tiny fragments, barely connected to each other at the edges. Each fragment constitutes a Realm (or a Dimension, whichever you prefer). Travel is possible between realms, by the means of portals. Most realms seem to contain a random part of the Earth's surface. Some are as vast as an ocean, yet some are as small as an empty hallway.

At the same time, every person who survived the Scattering, lost their memory. No one would remember anything of the Scattering or before, not even their own name. Most people would be able to guess their own identity from their personal possesions, such as computers or documents. And essential skills, such as languages, reading, cooking, or how to take care of one's self, were quickly relearned, or never forgotten entirely. Journals and memoirs written before the catastrophy, became invaluable, especially if found by their original author. Some people try desperately, to uncover their past identity, and the nature of the Scattering, and others don't care too much about all that.

Soon after the Scattering, most people realized that they can develop skills, which never would have been possible before. The power of Renown was discovered. It is a power which stems from the excellence of the human spirit. It allowed those who wielded it, to command the forces of nature, augment their own capabilities, create wondrous effects in battle or in creation, even bend space or chance to their will, and much more.